VadoBlog: Journeys Redefined

Finding the Best Coworking Spaces for Digital Nomads: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the best coworking spaces for digital nomads with our guide on essential features, community benefits, and flexible memberships

The Domad Movement: Seamless Living Across Diverse Space

The Domad Movement: Seamless Living Across Diverse Space

In the wake of new everyday-life routines along with a more conscious wanderlust, a new human type is born: the Domad.A crossover who thrives in homely coziness yet feeds on traveling inspiration. A nomad in the spirit, a domestic creature in the day-by-day. Many of...

A Material Path… to Move Away from Materialism

A Material Path… to Move Away from Materialism

Ready for the therapeutic paradox? By learning the minimalist approach, you will discover how material goods - all the things we surround ourselves with - can be the means to mental liberation from materialism. Indeed, things become a burden when it is not you who...

5 ways the “new way of traveling” makes life better

5 ways the “new way of traveling” makes life better

It is somewhat refreshing to sum up to ourselves the positive impact new habits have on our routines, isn't it? Considering how deep and broad the recent changes to the whole travelling experience have been, we guess you might long for some guidance to reorient...

Declutter, Travel, Heal. Repeat. Embrace Minimalist Traveling

Declutter, Travel, Heal. Repeat. Embrace Minimalist Traveling

Looking for fun ways to work on your inner wellbeing, blending such tasks with your day-to-day life too? Learning the basics of decluttered traveling might be right for you. Indeed, a growing body of research shows that gradually streamlining all the material...